However, by the mid 19th century the basic shape of diversity of life was fairly well understood, and there did seem to be an overall pattern. In 1860, paleontologist John Phillips formalized what was known about diversity from the Cambrian Period on by recognizing (left) the Paleozoic Era (or ancient life), the Mesozoic Era (or middle life), and the Cenozoic Era (or recent life), with each era boundary marked by a period of lowered diversity - in other words by a period of accelerated extinction. The most abrupt of these reductions in diversity was the boundary between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic - that is between the Cretaceous and Tertiary Periods.
Darwin, who applied Lyellian Uniformitarianism to biology, thought the fossil record was a bit of an embarrassment to his theory of evolution, especially in the apparent lack of intermediates. Darwin felt that the lack of intermediates was due to the imperfection of the geological record, and that they must be there - and of course intermediates between major groups, like Archaeopteryx, were soon discovered.
The dual successes of Lyellian Uniformitarianism and Darwinian evolution lead to a view that persisted for the next century - that interpretations of the geological record in terms of discontinuities or catastrophes was to be more-or-less abhorred - and indeed there was precious little real evidence that this approach was not justified.
However, by the 1960's and 1970's paleontologists began to carefully compile literature records of taxa from strata of different ages. It became apparent that there really were times of very high extinction rate.
A more recent tabulation (right) of shelly marine invertebrates by Jack Sepkoski of the University of Chicago shows that there have been several times in the last 270 million years (the better-preserved part of the record) when there were very high levels of extinction. In this graph, "percent extinction" is the number of extinctions of genera in an interval of time divided by the number genera present (or at risk) in that interval, times 100 (to make it a percent). Note the large peaks in extinction at the end of the Permian, Triassic, and Cretaceous periods.
Particularly the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary stands out because there was considerable stratigraphic evidence that marine and continental extinctions looked like they might be synchronous. In specific the marine biota was hit very hard:
15% of all marine families (Sepkoski, 1982)The continental biota was also hit hard:
but 50 % at generic level
and maybe 80-90 % of all species.
about 25 % at the family-level became extinct
but about 56 % at the genus
MARINE ORGANISMS (particularly important ones in bold)
planktonic foraminifera 83%CONTINENTAL ORGANISMS
ostracodes -50 %
sponges -69 %
corals -65 %
sea urchins -54%
ammonites -100%
marine reptiles 93 %
reptiles in general -56%But many things also made it through or were relatively unaffected:
but non-avian dinosaurs and pterosaurs -100%
dinoflagellates -5 %
mammals +120 %
ALL SURVIVORS WERE SMALL - LIZARDS, SNAKES, CROCODILES, TURTLES, MAMMALS, FROGS, SALAMANDERSThese extinctions were clearly of great magnitude, but in the intellectual milieu of the time, there was much speculation, but little specific work on the nature of the K-T boundary.
Explanations included:
Evolutionary Senility
Could not eat the evolving flowing plants
It got too cold
It got too hot
Mammals ate all of the eggs
They all died from a disease
They all became female when the climate changed
The sea level changed too fast
There was massive volcanism covering everything with ash
There was a nearby supernova of a star
Earth was hit by an asteroid
Originally, Water Alvarez, a geologist at Berkeley, was looking for some way to quantify the rates of faunal change around the K-T boundary. To do this he needed a timekeeper. He and his father reasoned that the rain of dust from outer space should be coming down, on average, at a constant rate. Let's say it came down at a rate of 0.0001 g/yr on 1 cm2 of the ocean floor. It would be diluted by clay and microfossils also from the ocean to make sediment. So, if you had a 10 g sample of Cretaceous oceanic sediment with 1 g of space dust in it, it would have been deposited in 10,000 years [1 g / (0.0001 g/yr = 10,000 yr]. All you had to do was find a way of measuring space dust. It turns out that is not as hard as you might think.
Remember, back in Lecture 10 that during the iron catastrophe most of the compliment of heavy elements that the Earth received during its accretion sank to its core. Iron was the main element, but along with it went most of the platinum and related elements called the platinum group. That way Platinum is a rare and expensive mineral on the Earth surface. Platinum group elements are thus much more common in your average space dust, than on the crust. These Platinum group elements would thus be a good signature for space dust in sediments. Better yet, Platinum group elements don't move around much once they are deposited. They are some of the so-called noble metals that tend to be unreactive and virtually inert. Of the Platinum group elements, Iridium (Ir) was relatively easy to measure, detectable in parts per billion. Thus Ir proved to be the element of choice to measure as a proxy for space dust.
The next thing to do was to find an outcrop of rock deposited in the deep ocean where the K-T boundary was well exposed and paleontologists were sure it was properly identified. Their choice turned out to be a highway cut in Gubbio, Umbria, Italy (on right). The boundary was clearly marked out by the disappearance of many kinds of Cretaceous microfossils, particularly most foraminiferans. At the boundary is a thin layer of brown and black clay. So the Alvarez group sampled carefully through this rock section and analyzed for Ir (below).
They were astonished to find that there was very little change in Ir content through the section, except in the clay layer. They did their calculations only on the basis of leaching out all of the calcium carbonate from the samples, so they would only be measuring clay. Ir was up by more than an order of magnitude (factor of ten) in the clay bed, exactly where the extinctions occurred. They checked at two other sites, one in New Zealand and one at Stevns Klint in Denmark (right). What could have caused this? Two hypotheses were possible.
1) something shut off the production of clay, while the rain of Ir in space dust remained constant.
2) something boosted the amount of space dust (and hence Ir) by and order of magnitude.
They could not find a reason that it should be #1, so they opted for #2. But why should space dust go up? There could be two easy hypotheses to do this:
1) a nearby star could have gone supernova, showering the Earth with newly formed elements heavier than iron - among them Ir.2) the Ir could have come from a mass of extraterrestrial matter arriving in one chunk - as a giant meteor or comet.
Thus, they argued that this Ir-enriched layer was caused by the impact of a giant asteroid (~10 km) that put enough dust into the upper atmosphere to darken and hence cool the Earth for several years. This was theorized to result in shutting off global photosynthesis, with the resulting collapse of the global food chain. As a result nothing larger than 25 kg survived the boundary. This concept was promptly co-opted as a plausible scenario for the events following a nuclear holocaust (Nuclear Winter) as well.
Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary section in Raton Basin, New Mexico (left); shocked quartz (right).
Chicxulub crater, Yucatan Peninsula.