Q&A: I need help in determining the average wind speed over a specific period of time. Fri Jul 25 09:30:47 1997

I need help in determining the average wind speed over a specific period of time.

Is there a way to determine the average wind speed for a particular location over different time periods? Thank you.

H. Smith Email:hiroko.smith@em.doe.gov


You could do this both graphically, and also through images on a lat/long grid.
GRAPHICALLY The NOAA NCDC DAILY FSOD (refer to Q&A... and merely switch station and fsod.) has average daily wind speed as one of its variables.

NOAA NCDC DAILY FSOD average daily wind speed (mph) Newark, New Jersey

After clicking on this image, it is possible to zoom into a specific region, and select only the current data in the view. Then it is possible to use the average over T tool in the filters menu. Doing that, the average wind speed for Newark, New Jersey over the time period shown on the graph is 9.946231 mph.


NOAA NCDC DAILY FSOD average daily wind speed (mph)

The following map is a lat/long grid covering a one month span. After clicking on the image, it is possible to change the month by manipulating the time line.

Andrew Goldberg

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