Q&A: Looking for a moderate yearly climate to reside (part II) As a template, I will outline the procedure of getting climate data for New York City.

  1. Go to the dataset NOAA NCDC GCPS MONTHLY STATION. Had I not provided the hyperlink, this page is accessable by first linking to the NOAA dataset. Within the NOAA dataset is the NCDC datset, and so on...
  2. Once in the dataset, find the searches hypertext to the upper right of the map. Procede by typeing in New York. A list of the NYC stations should appear. Select Central Park by clicking on the 7250309 hyperlink.
  3. Find mean and click on it. Click on Temperature. And finally click on the Graph Icon. The graph (below left) should be produced. In order to get the montly climatology, (below right) you must click on the hypertext select only the data in this view, located below the graph. Procede by clicking on filters, before clicking on monthly climatology.



  4. Now that you have an idea of how the dataset system works, I will lead you to a much more comprehensive dataset: NOAA NCDC DAILY FSOD.
  5. After you follow the above link, follow the same steps to get Central Park data (this time, note that Central Park has a code 94728.)
  6. Notice the plethura variables, ranging from average daily wind speed, to total daily sun. Here, you will not be able to use the monthly climatology option, as we are still fine tuneing it to work with daily data. You could create graphs, and zoom into the graphs using our zoom tools. You could also witness the daily extremes, the daily averages, the seasonal extremes, the seasonal averages...in many important variables.

refer to Q&A: Looking for a moderate yearly climate to reside.
Andrew Goldberg

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