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Subject:    -5- How can I make an anonymous or restricted FTP account?
Date: 13 Aug 1995 00:00:01 EST

  Read the ftpd(1M) manpage and/or the article in the March/April 1994
  Pipeline. However, both discussions have a serious error: the ftp
  account's home directory (/usr/people/ftp) should be owned and
  writable only by root, NOT ftp. You might also want to make the 'pub'
  directory "sticky" with 'chmod +t' (like /tmp and /var/tmp) so that
  one user can't delete another's files. Two scripts which set up a
  secure or restricted anonymous FTP account are at

Up: SGI security Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -6- How can I get X authorization to work?
Previous: ! -4- How can I log more information about logins?