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Subject:   -65- 1.1 Bug Installing on Indy or Indigo2 XL
Date: 8 Apr 1994 00:00:01 EST

  The problems are related to the way that Performer recognizes the
  graphics hardware in the machine.  Since the Indy was introduced
  after Performer 1.1 released, Performer is unable to match the
  graphics type (NEWPORT) with the hardware types it knows.  This
  effects both the installation and run-time applications.

  /usr/lib/libpr.a, /usr/lib/libpr-g.a, /usr/src/Performer/demo/perfly,
  and /usr/src/Performer/src/perfly/Makefile are machine-tagged in inst
  as platform-specific and will not be installed by default.

  WORKAROUND:  You must remove IRIS Performer 1.1 from your machine and
  re-install, explicitly defining the graphics hardware type.  LIGHT
  (Entry) graphics is the closest approximation to NEWPORT.

          % su
          # versions remove performer_eoe
          # versions remove performer_dev
          # inst -f <pathname> -m GFXBOARD=LIGHT

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Next: -66- 1.1 Bug Unable to determine Indy graphics type
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