Up: SGI performer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -4- How does IRIS Performer relate to IRIS Inventor?
Previous: -2- Where can I get more technical information about IRIS Performer?
Subject:    -3- Where can I get more product information about IRIS
Date: 06 Jun 1993 00:00:01 EST

  For product information about IRIS Performer or SGI Visual Simulation
  issues contact John Burwell (johnnyb@asd.sgi.com).  To learn about
  SGI Virtual Reality solutions contact Joshua Mogal (415) 390-1460
  (mogal@asd.sgi.com).  To just give in and buy a copy call SGI Direct
  at 1-800-800-7441 (product SC4-PERF-1.2), or to have both a
  demonstration and a presentation call your local SGI sales office.

Up: SGI performer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -4- How does IRIS Performer relate to IRIS Inventor?
Previous: -2- Where can I get more technical information about IRIS Performer?