Up: SGI movie Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -24- How do I write a program to access the pixels of a video frame in a movie file for image processing purposes?
Previous: -22- I created a movie with audio using makemovie, but the soundtrack plays back really garbled and choppy. What do I do?
Subject:   -23- Does anyone know the maximum size a movie file that
                MovieMaker or MoviePlayer can handle?  Is it limited by
                free memory, or will it play from the hard drive?
Date: Thu Nov 17 09:08:40 PST 1994

  Movieplayer plays movies from the hard drive.  Moviemaker edits
  movies directly on disk.

  It is entirely possible to write an appplication which plays
  movies entirely from memory (see below for details), but
  Movieplayer does not support that.

Up: SGI movie Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -24- How do I write a program to access the pixels of a video frame in a movie file for image processing purposes?
Previous: -22- I created a movie with audio using makemovie, but the soundtrack plays back really garbled and choppy. What do I do?