Up: SGI misc Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -3- With what version(s) of IRIX do the SGI FAQs deal?
Previous: -1- How can I quickly find the information I want in the SGI FAQs?
Subject:    -2- How do the FAQs support the World Wide Web?
Date: 28 Oct 1995 00:00:01 EST

  Tom Fine <fine@cis.ohio-state.edu> runs a service which converts FAQs
  to hypertext (HTML). A list of the converted FAQs is at


  and the SGI FAQs are at


  You can view them with any World Wide Web browser, probably Mosaic
  (which you can get from ftp://ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Web/Mosaic/),
  Netscape (ftp://ftp.netscape.com/netscape/unix/ for the generic
  version or http://www.sgi.com/Products/Evaluation/netscape/page1.html
  for the custom SGI version) or, for text terminals, Lynx
  (ftp://ftp2.cc.ukans.edu/pub/WWW/lynx/). A Mosaic binary for IRIX
  4.0.x, including WAIS support, is in IBD's SGI collection; see below
  under "WWW pages".

  Some types of references in the SGI FAQs are in particular formats so
  they will be recognized and turned into links to other documents:

  - References to Internet services are written as URLs.
    ('protocol://site/path/file'). If you're reading the SGI FAQs as
    plain text, you can still paste URLs into your browser. If you're
    not using a WWW browser and you want to access an FTP URL
    ('ftp://site/path/file'), just do 'ftp site', 'cd /path' and 'get
    file' as usual to get a file.  References to directories end with
    slashes so you know what you're getting into.  References to root
    directories (e.g. 'ftp://ftp.uu.net/') do not work; this is a known
    bug.  Some FTP servers are not Mosaic-compatible; just use 'ftp'.

  - Manpages look like 'foo(1)' and Internet RFCs look like 'RFC####'.
    Beware: Tom Fine is a Sun person, so the manpages are for SunOS.

Up: SGI misc Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -3- With what version(s) of IRIX do the SGI FAQs deal?
Previous: -1- How can I quickly find the information I want in the SGI FAQs?