Up: SGI inventor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -26- Why do I get a prerequisite error installing Inventor 1.1.2?
Previous: -24- Will my IRIS Inventor programs stop working if I install Open Inventor?
Subject:   -25- Can I develop Open and IRIS Inventor programs on the
                same system?
Date: 06 May 1995 00:00:01 EST

  Yes, as long as your system supports OpenGL (Indy, Indigo, Indigo2,
  Crimson, and RealityEngine support OpenGL at this time). First,
  install the 2.0 version of both inventor_dev and inventor_eoe.
  REALLY IMPORTANT: When installing Inventor 2.0, previous Inventor
  versions will AUTOMATICALLY be removed.

  To re-install 1.1.2, you will need to use the 1.1.2 CD* to install
  1.1.2 into a different location (so as not to ruin 2.0). Please note
  that you will have to change the Makefiles of programs that will
  compile and link with 1.1.2 (-I and -l need to point to your safe
  locations of Inventor 1.1.2). To install Inventor 1.1.2 under a
  different root directory than /, so that Inventor 2.0 may be
  installed under /:

      # Install 1.1.2 compatibility library from Inventor 2.0 images
      inst -f inventor_eoe (get inventor_eoe.sw.1_1)
      # Create a directory to hold Inventor 1.1.2
      mkdir /usr/myroot
      # Fool inst into thinking you have prerequisites installed
      mkdir -p /usr/myroot/var/inst
      cp /var/inst/{c,dev,c_dev,gl_dev,motif_eoe,inventor_eoe} /usr/myroot/var/inst
      # Install Inventor 1.1.2 under your root directory
      inst -r /usr/myroot -f inventor_dev

  To make Inventor 1.1.2 sample programs in this new directory:

      ln -s /usr/lib/libInventor.so.1 /usr/myroot/usr/lib/libInventor.so
      cd /usr/myroot/usr/share/src/Inventor/examples/PG1
      # Add to the Makefile, after the line: include /usr/include/make/commondefs
      LC++INCS = -I/usr/myroot/usr/include
      LCINCS   = -I/usr/myroot/usr/include
      LLDOPTS  = -L/usr/myroot/usr/lib

  To re-install Inventor 1.0.1, install the subsystem
  "irix4_inventor_dev", found on the Inventor 2.0 or Inventor 1.1.2
  CDs. This will install the 1.0.1 headers and libraries under
  /usr/irix4.  You must change your makefiles to use include and link
  to this new location.

Up: SGI inventor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -26- Why do I get a prerequisite error installing Inventor 1.1.2?
Previous: -24- Will my IRIS Inventor programs stop working if I install Open Inventor?