Up: SGI inventor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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Previous: -18- How hard is it to port from IRIS Inventor to Open Inventor?
Subject:   -19- How can I make my Inventor application faster?
Date: 06 May 1995 00:00:01 EST

  Read Optimizing Open Inventor Applications (available via anonymous
  ftp to ftp.sgi.com in sgi/inventor/2.0/OptimizingApps.ps.Z), which
  describes a methodology for finding performance problems using the
  ivperf utility (available via anonymous ftp to ftp.sgi.com in the
  file sgi/inventor/2.0/ivperf.tar.Z), and gives suggestions on how to
  improve an application's performance.

Up: SGI inventor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -20- When I compile my Inventor program, I get an error in SoDebugError.h.
Previous: -18- How hard is it to port from IRIS Inventor to Open Inventor?