Up: SGI graphics Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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Subject:   -45- How can I run 'xinit' manually, rather than
                automatically from 'xdm'?
Date: 07 May 1993 00:00:01 EST

  By doing the following, which will affect all users:

  1) log in as root
  2) Type:
     chkconfig xdm off.

  3) all users need to copy /usr/bin/X11/X to their home directory
     (renaming the file to .xserverrc), removing the if test for
     windowsystem, OR be familiar enough with xinit to have an
     alternate command line.
  4) transfer all startup programs from .xsession/.sgisession to
  5) the last program to start from .xinitrc must not exit.  When this
     one exits, the session terminates.

Up: SGI graphics Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -46- How can I start X on a remote host with no users logged in?
Previous: -44- How can I restart the X server?