Up: SGI graphics Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -28- What is a good approach to take in looking for resources?
Previous: -26- Does the GL recognize resources?
Subject:   -27- How can I know what resources I can set for an
Date: 07 May 1993 00:00:01 EST

  The most common place to find resource variables for a particular
  application is in the man page for that application.

  For example, take a look at the man page for `xwsh'.  Look for the
  section heading called `RESOURCES'.  This section lists each resource
  for `xwsh', and in some cases, the valid values for that resource.

  Also, many major applications are built on top of the Xt toolkit.
  There are standard resources that these applications recognize. For a
  more complete description, see one of the books on Xt listed in the

Up: SGI graphics Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -28- What is a good approach to take in looking for resources?
Previous: -26- Does the GL recognize resources?