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Subject:   -19- How can I configure my keyboard like a VT100?
Date: 14 Jun 1994 00:00:01 EST

  'xwsh -vt100' may be close enough; try it and see. (The PF keys are
  mapped to F9-F12.) If not, use 'xterm' and put the following (from
  Hemant Shah <shah@fnal.fnal.gov>) wherever you put the rest of your X

  === snip ===
  XTerm*VT100.Translations: #override \
  	<Key>BackSpace:		string(0x7f) \n\
  	<Key>Num_Lock:		string(0x1b) string("OP") \n\
  	<Key>KP_Divide:		string(0x1b) string("OQ") \n\
  	<Key>KP_Multiply:	string(0x1b) string("OR") \n\
  	<Key>KP_Subtract:	string(0x1b) string("OS") \n\
  	<Key>KP_Add:		string(0x1b) string("Om") \n\
  	<Key>Pause:		string(0x1b) string("[34~") \n\
  	<Key>Print:		string(0x1b) string("[32~") \n\
  	<Key>Scroll_Lock:       string(0x1b) string("[33~") \n\
  	<Key>KP_0:		string(0x1b) string("Op") \n\
  	<Key>KP_1:		string(0x1b) string("Oq") \n\
  	<Key>KP_2:		string(0x1b) string("Or") \n\
  	<Key>KP_3:		string(0x1b) string("Os") \n\
  	<Key>KP_4:		string(0x1b) string("Ot") \n\
  	<Key>KP_5:		string(0x1b) string("Ou") \n\
  	<Key>KP_6:		string(0x1b) string("Ov") \n\
  	<Key>KP_7:		string(0x1b) string("Ow") \n\
  	<Key>KP_8:		string(0x1b) string("Ox") \n\
  	<Key>KP_9:		string(0x1b) string("Oy") \n\
  	<Key>KP_Decimal:	string(0x1b) string("On") \n\
  	<Key>Insert:		string(0x1b) string("[1~") \n\
  	<Key>Home:		string(0x1b) string("[2~") \n\
  	<Key>Prior:		string(0x1b) string("[3~") \n\
  	<Key>Delete:		string(0x1b) string("[4~") \n\
  	<Key>End:		string(0x1b) string("[5~") \n\
  	<Key>Next:		string(0x1b) string("[6~") \n\
  	<Key>F1:		string(0x1b) string("[17~") \n\
  	<Key>F2:		string(0x1b) string("[18~") \n\
  	<Key>F3:		string(0x1b) string("[19~") \n\
  	<Key>F4:		string(0x1b) string("[20~") \n\
  	<Key>F5:		string(0x1b) string("[21~") \n\
  	<Key>F6:		string(0x1b) string("[23~") \n\
  	<Key>F7:		string(0x1b) string("[24~") \n\
  	<Key>F8:		string(0x1b) string("[25~") \n\
  	<Key>F9:		string(0x1b) string("[26~") \n\
  	<Key>F10:		string(0x1b) string("[28~") \n\
  	<Key>F11:		string(0x1b) string("[29~") \n\
  	<Key>F12:		string(0x1b) string("[31~") \n\
  === snip ===

  This remaps the keys as follows:

  SGI Key             |   Emulated VT100 key
  Num Lock            |   PF1
  /                   |   PF2
  *                   |   PF3
  -                   |   PF4
  7                   |   7
  8                   |   8
  9                   |   9
  +                   |   -
  4                   |   4
  5                   |   5
  6                   |   6
  1                   |   1
  2                   |   2
  3                   |   3
  Enter               |   Enter
  0                   |   0
  .                   |   .
  Insert              |   Find
  Home                |   Insert Here
  Page Up             |   Remove
  Delete              |   Select
  End                 |   Prev Screen
  Page Down           |   Next Screen
  F1                  |   F6
  F2                  |   F7
  F3                  |   F8
  F4                  |   F9
  F5                  |   F10
  F6                  |   F11
  F7                  |   F12
  F8                  |   F13
  F9                  |   F14
  F10                 |   Help
  F11                 |   Do
  F12                 |   F17
  Print Screen        |   F18
  Scroll Lock         |   F19
  Pause               |   F20

  Any volunteers to work out similar bindings for xwsh?

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Next: -20- Can I put a single large picture in the 'clogin' display?
Previous: -18- How can I use the Alt key as a Meta key in an xwsh window?