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Subject:    -6- What's a good graphical text editor for SGIs?
Date: 08 Oct 1995 00:00:01 EST

  The most popular graphic text editors on SGIs include:

  IRIX 5.x includes jot, which is very nice. It requires GL, i.e. no
  X-terminals, text terminals or non-SGI machines. See below for a bug
  and workaround. zip is the IRIX 4.x incarnation of jot (the jot which
  comes with IRIX 4.x is something else entirely); FTP it from

  nedit is a straightforward graphical editor with programmers'
  features.  It needs X-windows but not GL. Get it from
  ftp://fnpspb.fnal.gov/pub/nedit/.  Patches to make it work under IRIX
  5.x are at ftp://viz.tamu.edu/pub/sgi/software/nedit-on-irix5.patch.
  Nate Sammons <nate@vis.colostate.edu> has a compiled, IRIX inst'able
  image, which requires IRIX 5.3, at

  GNU Emacs, a perennial favorite, isn't just an editor; it's a way of
  life.  It has a X-windows mode and works on X-windows terminals as
  well as SGI consoles and text terminals. Its X-windows support, once
  rather lackluster, has improved in the recently released version 19.
  It may be FTPed from any GNU archive, e.g.

  XEmacs (formerly Lucid Emacs) is a derivative of GNU Emacs 19. It has
  subsumed Epoch, another derivative of GNU Emacs. It may be found in
  ftp://cs.uiuc.edu/pub/xemacs/, and it has a WWW page at
  http://xemacs.cs.uiuc.edu/. It works on both text and graphics

  Finally, the comp.windows.x FAQ (at
  ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/comp.windows.x/) lists many more editors
  which run under X-windows, both free and commercial.

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