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Subject:   -58- How can I make the 'install' program work like BSD
Date: 22 Nov 1994 00:00:01 EST

  The BSD and System V versions of the 'install' command are
  incompatible; the BSD version is most often used by Makefiles. IRIX
  provides both the System V version (/etc/install) and the BSD version
  (/usr/bin/X11/bsdinst.sh in IRIX 4.0.x, and /usr/bin/X11/bsdinst in
  IRIX 5.x). SGI's 'imake' defines INSTALL as /usr/bin/X11/bsdinst,
  and the Install* rules use that definition, so Imakefile-generated
  Makefiles will use the BSD version.

  Michael Joosten <joost@ori.cadlab.de> points out that you can also use
  GNU install (available from any GNU archive, e.g.
  ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/), which emulates the BSD version.
  Unlike /usr/bin/X11/bsdinst, it has a manpage.  It also may be better
  debugged; SGI's version reportedly mishandles '-o' and installs
  multiple files into a single directory.

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