Up: SGI apps Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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Previous: -49- Where are the regcmp and regex functions?
Subject:   -50- Why is 'make' complaining about syntax errors that I
                can't find?
Date: 26 May 1994 00:00:01 EST

  Two possibilities:

  - SGI's 'make' sends shell commands to your shell (specified in the
    SHELL environment variable), while every other 'make' in the world
    uses /bin/sh by default. Put the line "SHELL=/bin/sh" at the top of
    a Makefile to make SGI's 'make' use /bin/sh.

  - Dependency lines in your Makefile may begin with spaces.  Some
    'make's accept spaces; SGI's requires tabs.

Up: SGI apps Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -51- Why does stripping executables corrupt them in IRIX 6.x?
Previous: -49- Where are the regcmp and regex functions?