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Subject:   -47- How can I set up 'sendmail' to pass (or not pass) 8-bit
Date: 30 Jan 1995 00:00:01 EST

  Many experts say "don't try". RFC822 requires mail transport agents to
  *clear* the eighth bit, and many hosts do.  Some which don't may crash
  when they get mail with the eighth bit set. Instead, use a
  MIME-compatible mail program. MIME, described in RFC1521, is a
  standard for enclosing non-RFC822 material in your mail. The apps FAQ
  discusses several mail programs which support it.

  In IRIXes up to 5.2, one can flout this doctrine by running sendmail
  with the '-o8' flag to allow 8-bit characters in message bodies (*not*
  headers). Read the description of that option in sendmail(1) for more
  reasons not to use it. In IRIX 5.3, sendmail runs in 8-bit mode by
  default, but one can use the '-o7' flag to get the old behavior.

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