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Subject:   -15- How do I overlay graphics on top of my Performer scene?
Date: 06 Oct 1993 00:00:01 EST

  Typically this is done to implement a heads-up display (HUD).

  In the draw function callback, the basic algorithm is:

  	save state with pfPushState()
  	disable textures, fog, & lighting with pfBasicState()
  	save & clear projection matrix
  	save & clear modelling matrix
  	restore modelling matrix
  	restore projection matrix
  	restore state with pfPopState()

  Or, you can draw your static info in the overlay planes and only
  redraw it when the window receives a REDRAW event (moved, resized,
  etc.).  Changing between drawing to the overlays and drawing to
  regular bitplanes takes a big hit.

  For things that need to be updated real-time, draw() would consist

  	draw HUD stuff

Up: SGI performer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -16- What is the difference between phases FREE, FLOAT, and LOCK?
Previous: -14- How do I make GL calls from within a IRIS Performer program?