Up: SGI movie Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -8- How can I write a program to create, edit, convert, or play movies? Where can I get a copy of the SGI Movie Library?
Previous: -6- I need to play MPEG movies. Does SGI offer MPEG support?
Subject:    -7- I created a movie with Capture, but now I can't edit it
                with Movie Maker or play it with Movie Player.
Date: 20 May 1994 00:00:01 EST

  Check to see that you are using compatible versions of the tools.
  Odds are that you created the movie with Capture (an application in
  IRIX 5.1 and later), but are trying to use the tools from an IRIX
  4.0.5 to view and manipulate them.

  The IRIX 5.x versions of the movie tools can read files created by
  the 4.0.5 tools, but the reverse is not true.

Up: SGI movie Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -8- How can I write a program to create, edit, convert, or play movies? Where can I get a copy of the SGI Movie Library?
Previous: -6- I need to play MPEG movies. Does SGI offer MPEG support?