Up: SGI movie Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -16- I am using Mosaic. When I try to view a movie, movieplayer starts, but then shows a message: no movie. How can I make it work?
Previous: -14- How can I convert from Microsoft AVI movie format to SGI movie format?
Subject: -15- Is there a way to bring up a movie (using movieplayer)
within Showcase using a button click...and having it
place itself automatically in a certain location and
Date: 20 May 1994 00:00:01 EST
Not that I know of. When we want to play a movie, we usually
hyperscript the object to run a script, and in the script we place
the movie where we want to. Here is an example of the script. Call
it with the movie name as an argument.
/usr/sbin/movieplayer -fNv -S$X1,$Y1,360,243 -l 1 -z $ZOOM $1
Define your zoom factor ($ZOOM) and position ( X1 Y1 ) in front of
Up: SGI movie Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -16- I am using Mosaic. When I try to view a movie, movieplayer starts, but then shows a message: no movie. How can I make it work?
Previous: -14- How can I convert from Microsoft AVI movie format to SGI movie format?