Up: SGI inventor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous: -26- Why do I get a prerequisite error installing Inventor 1.1.2?
Subject: -27- Why do I get errors compiling the Inventor sample
Date: 06 May 1995 00:00:01 EST
Inventor 1.0.1 requires C++ version 2.*. If you have C++ version 3.*
installed on your system, you must specify the -v2 flag to compile
Inventor programs. If you are using the Makefiles distributed with
Inventor, you should change the line that looks like:
LC++OPTS = +p -Wf,-XNp10000
LC++OPTS = -v2 +p -Wf,-XNp10000
Inventor 1.1.2 and Inventor 2.0 work with C++ 3.*; you must remove
the -v2 flag from your Makefiles when you upgrade to those versions
of Inventor.
If you receive this error when compiling:
"/usr/include/X11/X.h", line 44: error:
Cursor declared as unsigned short [16] and XID
You should rearrange the order in which you #include your files so
that the Xt files are included before any file that references the
IRIS GL include file. For example, be sure to #include
<Inventor/SoXt.h> before <Inventor/nodes/SoTexture2.h>.
Up: SGI inventor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous: -26- Why do I get a prerequisite error installing Inventor 1.1.2?