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Subject:   -18- How hard is it to port from IRIS Inventor to Open
Date: 30 Apr 1994 15:45:00 CDT

  Most Inventor programs will be fairly easy to port. The Inventor 2.0
  release notes contain detailed information on converting your
  application. Most of your porting job will be fixing minor syntax
  changes (e.g. some length() methods were renamed getLength() for
  consistency with the rest of the toolkit) and fixing #include lines
  for files under /usr/include/Inventor that were moved around (e.g.
  all of the Xt components are now under /usr/include/Inventor/Xt).

  Inventor programs that contain a lot of IRIS GL code or that made
  extensive use of Inventor subclassing will be more difficult to port,
  since they will have to be ported to OpenGL and since the internal
  structure of Inventor underwent some major changes.

Up: SGI inventor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -19- How can I make my Inventor application faster?
Previous: -17- What new features are in Open Inventor that weren't in IRIS Inventor?