Up: SGI graphics Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous: -85- Which SGI machines can run OpenGL now? Which will in the future?
Subject:   -86- What's this about a copyright dispute over virtual desks
                in Indigo Magic?
Date: 27 Nov 1995 00:00:01 EST

  Xerox has a software patent which they claimed covered the virtual
  desks which are part of Indigo Magic.  IRIX 5.3 and 6.x include
  licensing code which turned off virtual desks on 15 May 1995.  See
  chapter 1 of the desktop_eoe release notes for details.

  The dispute has been resolved (we don't know how) and SGI has provided
  a new licensing code which will allow one to use virtual desks until
  2038.  The code and installation instructions are, among other places,
  at ftp://viz.tamu.edu/pub/sgi/software/desktop/overview-license and in
  the May/Jun 1995 Pipeline. Here's the punchline: Edit
  /var/netls/nodelock and replace the line containing the word "Desks"
  (this is the only non-blank line on a clean IRIX 5.3 system) with the
  following two lines:

  #:# "Silicon Graphics" Desks A "2038/01/01"
  546fb4684914.02.c0.1a.3d. y49ga6qrewn69tqaq4r6m44g22

  (Although the two lines are preceded by spaces here, they should be
  flush left in /var/netls/nodelock.)

  OR, if you like, you can get patch 455 from the TAC, which includes an
  'ov' which doesn't check the license manager at all. Note, however,
  that patch 455 makes 'showfiles -F' fail. We don't yet know why.

Up: SGI graphics Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous: -85- Which SGI machines can run OpenGL now? Which will in the future?