Up: SGI graphics Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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Subject:   -73- Sun XView applications like "mailtool" hang my X server
                in IRIX 4.0.5.  They come up fine, but when I click on
                them the server freezes.
Date: 07 May 1993 00:00:01 EST

  Any XView application run under the Xsgi X11-server shipped in IRIX
  versions 4.0.5A through 4.0.5G will lock the X Server on the first
  mouse click and will not release it until killed from somewhere
  else.  Fortunately there is a workaround:

  a) Run the application with '-Wfsdb' on the command line.
     Alternatively you could use '-fullscreendebug'.  For example:

     % mailtool -Wfsdb

  b) If you have the sources, add

       extern int fullscreendebug;

     before main() and

       fullscreendebug = 1;

     after the xv_init() call.  This forces the program to set this
     flag in any case - even when run with non-SGI X servers.  It
     releases you of the danger of omitting -Wfsdb and locking your

  c) if the program uses the 'fullscreen' package, you might add

         Fullscreen.Debug: True

     in $HOME/.Xresources or specify this resource on the command
     line.  This flag currently disables grabs in both the 'window' and
     the 'fullscreen' package, but is only set from resources in the
     'fullscreen' package.

Up: SGI graphics Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -74- Why can't I log into Pandora in IRIX 4.0.1?
Previous: -72- Why doesn't SGI's xlock lock my screen?