Up: SGI graphics Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous: -52- How can I make a screen dump?
Subject:   -53- Why does the IRIX 5.3 desktop recognize but not deal
                with JPEG files?
Date: 18 Jun 1995 00:00:01 EST

  It's a bug in the IRIX 5.3 filetype rules. It is fixed in WebForce
  and will be fixed in future IRIXes. If you don't have WebForce, get
  the file ftp://viz.tamu.edu/pub/sgi/software/desktop/jpeg.ftr, put it
  in /usr/lib/filetype/local, cd to /usr/lib/filetype and type 'make'.

Up: SGI graphics Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous: -52- How can I make a screen dump?