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Subject:   -17- IRIX' version of top(1) doesn't let me renice or kill
                processes interactively. What to do?
Date: 21 Oct 1995 00:00:01 EST

  Try William LeFebvre's <phil@eecs.nwu.edu> version, which has these
  capabilities. FTP it from ftp://eecs.nwu.edu/pub/top/. Ports to IRIX
  are at ftp://ftp.cs.ruu.nl/pub/SGI/top-3.1.tar.gz,
  ftp://ftp.cmpharm.ucsf.edu/pub/top/top-3.3beta3.irix.tar.Z, and

Up: SGI apps Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -18- What is the IRIX equivalent of 'trace'/'truss'?
Previous: -16- How can I format unformatted manpages?