Up: SGI admin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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Previous: -78- What is sending packets to the sgi-dog.mcast.net multicast address?
Subject:   -79- Why are the objectserver and directoryserver taking up
                so much memory in IRIX 5.3?
Date: 24 Oct 1995 00:00:01 EST

  They really aren't. Doing 'ps -ef' in IRIX 5.3 and looking at the SZ
  column shows that these programs have extremely large address spaces,
  about 128M each. That's not the same thing as the physical memory they
  occupy, which is shown in the RSS column and which should be much
  smaller. See ps(1) and the IRIX 5.3 Cadmin release notes for more.

  However, there is a bug in the objectserver which makes it grow
  continuously when it can't find a directoryserver.  SGI claims to have
  fixed this in patch 617; however, some disagree.

Up: SGI admin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -80- Why don't the desktop admin tools recognize root as a privileged user?
Previous: -78- What is sending packets to the sgi-dog.mcast.net multicast address?