Up: SGI admin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -73- How can I use 'lp' to print to an 'lpr'-controlled printer?
Previous: -71- Why would I want to use 'lpr' instead of or as well as 'lp'?
Subject:   -72- How can I use 'lpr' instead of or as well as 'lp'?
Date: 25 Jul 1995 00:00:01 EST

  To use 'lpr' at all, you'll need to install it. 'lpr' is not
  installed by default: it is in the eoe2.sw.bsdlpr subsystem in IRIX
  4.0.x and print.sw.bsdlpr in IRIX 5.x.

  - To use 'lpr' to print to a remote printer (its only SGI-supported
    purpose), see the perfectly good instructions in SGI's "Advanced
    Site and Server Administration Guide".

  - To use 'lpr' to print to a local printer, either

    1) Come up with a real /etc/printcap entry. This may be difficult,
       and is not supported by SGI (or by comp.sys.sgi.*, to speak of).

    2) Set up the printer as an 'lp' printer in the usual manner, then
       write an /etc/printcap entry with an output filter which is just
       a wrapper around 'lp'. If that isn't crystal-clear, call the TAC
       and ask for their "faxable" on "Integrating The AT&T Spooler
       With The BSD LPR Print Spooler". A not-guaranteed-to-be-up-to-
       date copy is at

  - To act as an 'lpr' print server, configure 'lpr' to print to your
    local printer and edit /etc/hosts.lpd to grant access to the clients.

Up: SGI admin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -73- How can I use 'lp' to print to an 'lpr'-controlled printer?
Previous: -71- Why would I want to use 'lpr' instead of or as well as 'lp'?