Up: SGI admin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -65- How can I read an IRIX (EFS) CD-ROM on a machine which doesn't use EFS?
Previous: -63- Can I export a CD-ROM from my SGI to a non-SGI?
Subject:   -64- Why can't I export an ISO 9660 CD-ROM using NFS?
Date: 21 Oct 1995 00:00:01 EST

  You're using IRIX 4.0.x. Under IRIX 5.x, it just works.

  Under IRIX 4.0.x you can, but only to another SGI (see the previous
  question) and there's a catch. Add the CD-ROM filesystem to
  /etc/exports and export it with 'exportfs' *before* you mount the
  CD-ROM. For more detail, read
  ftp://viz.tamu.edu/pub/sgi/hardware/cdrom/exporting-iso-9660-cdrom or
  the article in the Jan/Feb 1993 Pipeline, or for an up-to-date copy
  call the TAC and ask for SGI's writeup on "Mounting an ISO 9660 CD
  Across NFS".

Up: SGI admin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -65- How can I read an IRIX (EFS) CD-ROM on a machine which doesn't use EFS?
Previous: -63- Can I export a CD-ROM from my SGI to a non-SGI?