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Subject:   -19- How do I make a bootable tape from an IRIX CD?
Date: 03 Sep 1995 00:00:01 EST

  See the Sep/Oct 1993 Pipeline and/or
  ftp://viz.tamu.edu/pub/sgi/software/admin/making-bootable-tape for a
  detailed description, or just follow Dave Olson <olson@sgi.com>'s
  summary: Take a look at the distcp(1M) manpage, and do something like

      tapehost# mount -o ro cdhost:/CDROM /mnt
      tapehost# distcp /mnt/dist /dev/nrtape

  Note that 'fx', 'ide', and 'sash' for all machines are in the dist/sa
  file.  'sa' is an image of the first part of the tape; use 'mkbootape
  -f sa -l' to see the contents.

Up: SGI admin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -20- Why can't I boot one of the stand-alone programs on a tape or CD?
Previous: -18- How can I boot my machine using a server on the other side of a router?