red letters indicate the correct answer
1. Sir Richard Owen named which of the following groups:
A. Iguanodontia
B. Dinosauria
C. Theropoda
D. Cretaceous
2. The Principle of Superposition was first formulated by:
A. Charles Darwin
B. Sir Charles Lyell
C. Nicholas
D. William Plot
3. The first named dinosaurs were:
A. Iguanodon
and Megalosaurus
B. Coelophysis and Dilophosaurus
C. Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops
C. Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward
Drinker Cope
4. William Smith formulated the:
A. Principle of Cross Cutting Relationships
B. Principles of Radiometric Dating
C. Theory of Evolution
D. Principle
of Biotic Succession
5. This discovery of this New Jersey dinosaur showed that some walked on their hind legs and were much less lumbering than previously thought.
A. Hadrosaurus
B. Iguanodon
C. Megalosaurus
D. Eubrontes