Roelof Jan Versteeg
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Personal Data
Date of birth: September 22, 1962
Nationality: Dutch
Ph.D. Geophysics, 1991, University Paris VII, Paris, France.Thesis title: "Analyse du probl=E8me de la détermination du modes le de vitesse pour l'imagerie sismique" (in English with a résumé in French); advisors: Prof. R. Madariaga and Dr. P. Lailly.M.S. Geophysics, 1988, State University Utrecht, the Netherlands.Advisor: Prof. K. Helbig.M.S. Geology, 1988, State University Utrecht, the Netherlands. Advisor:Prof. P. de Boer.B.S. Geophysics, 1984, State University Utrecht, The Netherlands
9/95-present Associate Research Scientist and Schlumberger JuniorAwards
Scholar, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. Charged
with creating a program in near surface and environmental geophysics.
9/94-8/95 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Geology and
Geophysics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut. Initiation of a
program in near surface and environmental geophysics. Teaching of several
geophysics courses.
8/92-8/94 Research Scientist, Department of Computational and Applied
Mathematics, Rice University, Houston, Texas; Development of seismic
inversion methods with emphasis on integrating geological constraints on
inversion, advisor: Prof. William W. Symes.
Spring '94 Co-taught a graduate class on Seismic Processing using
Promax (GG444)
1/92- 7/92 Visiting Scientist, Amoco Production and Research
Laboratory. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Worked on pre stack depth migration methods.
9/91-11/91 Postdoctoral scientist. Institut Francais du Petrole, Rueil
Mailmaison, France.
10/89-12/90 Co-organizer of the Marmousi workshop, held at the 1990
EAEG meeting. Editor of the proceedings of the workshop.
9/86-9/88 Teaching assistant for the course "Seismic Acquisition and
Processing" at State University Utrecht.
* Second Prize, SEG student paper competition, 1991Professional Memberships
American Geophysical UnionSpecial Qualifications
Society of Exploration Geophysics
European Association of Exploration Geophysics
International Association of Sedimentologists
* Fluent in Dutch, English and French.References
* Strong geological background: Ms in sedimentology. Numerous geological
field trips. Large experience with interdisciplinary work, both between
geophysics and geology and geophysics and applied mathematics.
* Experienced in the development and maintenance of seismic processing
codes and extensive numerical codes: development of a Kirchhoff based
inversion code and parallelization (using PVM) of migration and modeling
* Actively involved in design and implementation of near surface
geophysical curriculum. Tought field classes.
* Prof. William W. Symes, Department of Computational and AppliedBIBLIOGRAPHY
Mathematics, Rice University, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251, Phone:
713/527 6064, Fax: 713/285 5214, email:
* Dr. Patrick Lailly, Institut Francais du Petrole, Helioparc Pau-Pyrenees,
2 Avenue Pierre Angot, 64000 - Pau, France. Phone: 011-33-59845983, Fax:
* Dr. Kurt Marfurt, Amoco Production and Research, P.O. Box 3385, Tulsa,
OK 74102. Phone: 918-660-3000, Fax: 918-660-4163, email
* Dr. Sven Treitel, Amoco Production and Research, P.O. Box 3385, Tulsa,
OK 74102. Phone: 918-660-3525, Fax: 918-660-4163, email
Versteeg, R. and Grau, G. (editors), 1991, The Marmousi experience,Papers
proceedings of the 1990 EAEG workshop on practical aspects of seismic data
inversion, EAEG, Zeist.
Versteeg, R., 1994, Post migration image enhancement using geometric
constraints, submitted to Geophysics.Symes, W., Versteeg, R., Sei, A. and Tran, H.,1994, Kirchhoff modeling and
migration: theory and implementation, submitted to Journal of Seismic
Exploration.Versteeg, R., 1994, The Marmousi experience: Velocity model determination
on a synthetic complex data set, The Leading Edge, No. 9, pp 927 - 936.Lailly, P., Svay, J., and Versteeg, R., 1993, Analysis and comparison of
different quantitative criteria for velocity model determination, accepted
for publication in Geophysics.Versteeg, R. 1993, Sensitivity of prestack depth migration to the velocity
model, Geophysics, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 873-882.Versteeg, R. and Lailly, P., 1991, EAEG Workshop report: practical aspects
of seismic data inversion, First Break, Vol. 9, No. 2.
Haeni, F.P., Banks, W.L. and Versteeg, R.J., 1995, Collecting single and
multichannel seismic reflection data in shallow water near Aberdeen Proving
Ground, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, in Expanded Abstracts of the 65th Annual
Meeting of the SEG, pp. 422-425Versteeg, R.J. 1995, Requirements for the use of ground penetrating radar
as an organic contaminant detection tool, in Proceedings of the 1995
NGEGCOM meeting (in press)Versteeg, R.J., 1995, Enhanced anomaly detection using comparative ground
penetrating radar sections, in 1995 Abstracts and Programs, 30th annual
northeastern section meeting of the Geological Society of AmericaVersteeg, R., Gockenback, M, Kern, M. and Symes, W., 1994, Shot level
parallelization of a seismic inversion code using PVM , in: Expanded
Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the SEG, pp. 192-194Versteeg, R. and Symes, W., 1994, Geologic constraints on seismic inversion
, in: Expanded Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the SEG, pp.
1020-1023Versteeg, R.and Marfurt,K., 1994, Exploring model space on the cheap: a
hybrid approach to velocity model estimation , in: Expanded Abstracts of
the 64th Annual Meeting of the SEG, pp. 1202-1204Versteeg, R. and Symes, W., 1993, Geometric Constraints on Seismic
Inversion, in: Expanded Abstracts of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the SEG,
pp. 595-601Symes, W. and Versteeg, R., 1993, Velocity model determination using
Differential Semblance Optimization, in: Expanded Abstracts of the 63rd
Annual Meeting of the SEG, pp. 696-699Jacobs, J, Jardin, A., Delprat-Jannaud, F., Versteeg, R. and Lailly, P.,
1991, Prestack Structural Interpretation of seismic data: a case study, in:
Expanded Abstracts of the 61st Annual Meeting of the SEG, pp. 188-191Versteeg, R., Geoltrain, S. and Ehinger, A. 1991, Use of migration
coherency panels for velocity model determination, in: Expanded Abstracts
of the 61st Annual Meeting of the SEG, pp. 1255-1258Versteeg, R., Ehinger, A. and Geoltrain, S. 1991, Sensitivity of
migration coherency panels to the velocity model, in: Expanded Abstracts of
the 61st Annual Meeting of the SEG, pp. 1251-1254Lailly, P., Svay, J. and Versteeg, R., 1990, Some remarks on different
optimization criteria for the velocity model, in: Expanded Abstracts of the
6oth Annual Meeting of the SEG, pp. 1283-1286Versteeg, R., 1990, Sensitivity of prestack depth migration to the velocity
model, in: Expanded Abstracts of the 6oth Annual Meeting of the SEG, pp.
Symes, W. and Versteeg, R., 1993, Kirchhoff modeling, migration and
inversion: theory and implementation, in: 2nd Annual Report, The Rice
Inversion Project.Versteeg, R. and Symes, W., 1993, Geometric Constraints on Seismic
Inversion, in: 2nd Annual Report, The Rice Inversion Project.Symes, W. and Versteeg, R., 1993, 2D Velocity estimation using Differential
Semblance Optimization, in: 2nd Annual Report, The Rice Inversion Project.Versteeg, R. , 1992, Analysis of problems associated with MBS based
velocity model determination Internal Report T92-G-26, Amoco Production and
Research Lab.Versteeg, R. , 1992, Get-Dip: A program to calculate a dip field from
seismic picks Internal Report T92-G-25, Amoco Production and Research Lab.Versteeg, R. , 1992, FARS: A Prestack Shot Record Depth Migration Program.
Internal Report T92-G-24, Amoco Production and Research Lab.Versteeg, R. , 1992, Example of Velocity model sensitivity analysis on the
W89-122 Line (Gulf of Suez). Internal Report T92-G-23, Amoco Production and
Research Lab.Delprat-Jannaud, F. , Farra, V., Jardin, A., Jacobs, J., Lailly, P and
Versteeg, R., 1991, A first application of the PSI approach on 2D data: a
case study, in 2nd Annual Report, PSI consortium, IFP, FranceVersteeg, R., Geoltrain, S. and Ehinger, A. 1991, Use of migration
coherency panels for velocity model determination, in: 2nd Annual Report,
PSI consortium, IFP, FranceVersteeg, R., Ehinger, A. and Geoltrain, S., 1991, Sensitivity of
migration coherency panels to the velocity model, in: 2nd Annual Report,
PSI consortium, IFP, FranceVersteeg, R. and Geoltrain, S., 1990, Sensitivity of prestack depth
migration to the velocity model , in 1st Annual Report, PSI consortium,
IFP, FranceLailly, P., Svay, J. and Versteeg, R., 1990, Some remarks on different
optimization criteria for the velocity model, in 1st Annual Report, PSI
consortium, IFP, FranceLailly, P., Geoltrain, S. and Versteeg, R., 1990, A tomography based method
for consistently stacking depth-migrated records, in 1st Annual Report,
PSI consortium, IFP, FranceVersteeg, R. and Chaffel, P. Geological information on velocities, in 1st
Annual Report, PSI consortium, IFP, FranceC.R. Geel, C. Visser and Versteeg, R, 1986, Vertical and lateral
geometrical development of gravity flow deposits in deep sea fan and
abyssal plain complexes., Report no. 66, Comparative Sedimentology
Division, Utrecht University
Associate Research Scientist
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Rt 9W
Palisades, NY 10964 - 8000
phone: 914 365 8501
fax: 914 365 2312