Gran Desierto

Station 1. Stabilized dunes on lava flows

1. Where are we on topo, on aerial photo?
2. What is this dark rock?
3. Where did it come from?
4. How old is it?
5. What are the bubbles?
6. Where does the sand come from?
7. What is the sand made of?
8. Why is it different than at Estaro Morua?
9. Are these active dunes - why?
10. What are various tracks?

Station 2. Big Sand Dunes

1. Where are we on topo, on aerial photo?
2. Are these active dunes - why?
3. How big do you think sand dunes can get?
4. Where are some similar places in world?

Station 3. Walk back

1. Desert Ecology - Barber
2. What previous history is this community dependent on?
3. What do you think the life span of this beach is?
4. Will it leave any record?
5. What does the volcano mean to larger scale processes?