Estero Morua Split into 3 groups (12, 12, 11) 1. Where are we? 2. Make some predictions of water chemistry. 3. Ray traces. What are bowl shaped depressions? What do they do to the sediments? 4. Look at difference between beach rock and mud/sand bottom Where does the beach rock come from? How old is it? How many phyla can you identify? 5. Shrimp dance What are the shrimp doing there? Make a prediction of their local environment. What are the consequences of bioturbation? What do the shrimp get out of it? What are they eating? How do they change their environment? What does it mean globally? 6. Halophytic plants Where do they get their nutrients? What do they contribute physically to the area? What do they contribute to marine ecosystem? What does it mean globally? 7. Dunes What are they made out of? Where do they get the raw materials? What are the mechanics behind their formation? How can you tell which are active and which are old? What do the dunes tell us about the environment (mechanisms)? 8. Long-term history What previous history is this community dependent on? What do you think the life span of this Estero is? Will it leave any record?