Biosphere 2, Oracle, Arizona
Columbia University-managed Biosphere 2 is the world's largest enclosed facility for understanding the future effects of global change on the biota. Students will get practical and state-of-the-art experience in the use of field techniques that span a broad spectrum of Earth system, environmental, and research problems. It is anticipated that the course will satisfy both traditional undergraduate Geological and Environmental Science field requirements. The combination of the unique Biosphere 2 global change research facility with the incomparable geological and environmental resources within a day's drive of Oracle, will give students a broad view of practical techniques used to understand past, present, and future Earth System problems. No other university has anything comparable.
For more information, and to request an application form, just click this button to contact Dr. Debra Colodner, Director of Education at Biosphere 2
(make sure to include your full name, mailing address, and email):